Drop after drop...Let's fill up the reservoir of life

“Drop after drop ... let's fill up the reservoir of life!” is a project on how we can reduce water consumption. It is a project developed and managed by the students of the school to learn about the value of one of the most precious natural resources and at the same time to promote more sustainable strategies on water use.

Throughout the school year the students of the school actively participated in the project, exploring the theme of water in all its aspects and developing the most diverse strategies to reduce water consumption through.

The project supervisor Carla Antonioli hosted “Drop after drop ...... let's fill up the reservoir of life!” at the “Science Under 18 Pescara” event in "Sabucchi park". During the two-day event, the students told the project and presented the work done to the many students invited to the event and coming from other schools in the Abruzzo region or by participating live from other cities in Italy (Rome, Florence, Trento).

GBC Italia team staff (Eleonora, Maurizio and Clevan) played the role of support and sponsor, bringing together the supervisor and teachers for training and helping to facilitate the success of the project.


Students attended


Staff attended


Additional Volunteer attended


Students will be impacted this year

Intended impact of project

Reduced environmental impact
Increased environmental & sustainability literacy

Impact of project

Energy and/or water conservation
Educated on sustainable skills and practices
Educated on sustainability knowledge
Improved environmental & sustainability literacy
Financial savings
Beautification of school/site

More impact of project

The students of the artistic musical and dance school "Misticoni-Bellissario" have contributed to the success of the event "Drop after drop...Let's fill up the reservoir of life!" by another very strong communication tool: dance. In the "Sabucchi park" they performed a flash mob entitled "The shape of water" accompanied by a musical background played by a string trio, three times a day.

The project supervisor was Prof.ssa Raffaella Cocco.