Radians Sustainable Agriculture

October 26, 2019

The project works with the theme of Sustainable Agriculture. During this Project / Problem Based Learning, students sought a solution to the problem of agriculture in Puerto Rico. The twelfth-grade students created an area in the school where they could plant vegetables occupying as little space as possible. To carry out this project, the students sought donations of plants and wood to create a vertical garden in form of pyramid tower. As part of the project, the students carried out an extensive research on how it was the best way to make vertical gardens and what plants to sow should be planted in this type of garden. The result of this project was a wonderful learning experience where students learned to work in teams and solve real-life problems.


Students attended


Staff attended


Additional Volunteers attended


Students will be impacted this year

Intended impact of project

Reduced environmental impact
Increased environmental & sustainability literacy
Reduce landfill waste

Impact of project

Environmental and habitat restoration
Waste reduction
Improved air quality
Improved school nutrition
Educated on sustainable skills and practices
Educated on sustainability knowledge
Educated about sustainability careers